For those who were not aware, TEDxLaval is a 100% volunteer-based, non-profit organization. Everyone, from the producers, directors, staff and speakers contribute their time free of charge. We are driven solely by the desire to find and share the innovative ideas generated by inspiring people. In November 2024, attendees (curious, educated, interesting and influential people in and around the Laval area) will participate in an event dedicated to “ideas worth spreading”. 

The theme for TEDxLaval 2024 is “BUILDING TRUST”. As usual, this is a broad theme which is not meant to be restrictive, but rather to guide the ideas that will be shared. The term Trust would bring the Trust climate in the workplace, within our communities, or in relationships between men and women, to name just a few.

By becoming a sponsor, you help bring this inspiring, independently organized TEDx event to the community, and position your organization as a thought leader. Its also an investment in brand-building, business development, and community outreach.